Posts Tagged ‘General’

A Work In Progress

images-201 Every now and then I take a peek back to how I once was.  I did work at a Healthcare Company that was all about the meetings.  I was involved in 27 of them a week.  I didn’t just do my job, but many others.  The events that I did made me “big headed”.  Corporate loved the publicity.  I turned into a robot.  I had no heart.  I was always trying to “Get One Over On Someone Else”, Judgemental, I did gossip, A back stabber, I had no heart.   In 2010, I lost my mother due to a stroke.  I also was going through a divorce.  My father had a heart attack at my mother’s funeral, to his death 9 months after my mother passed.  I was in relationships that I didn’t pray about.  That left me broken.  One night, I asked God to help me.  He answered me.  Always there, waiting for me.  Here I am today, a work in progress.  No longer working in a Corporate Health Care Company.  I am under construction every single day of my life.  My heart has changed.  Peace, Love, Joy.  A real work in progress helping other people, broken as I am.  May All of You Feel His Mighty Hands on Your Heart This Day~ AMEN

Moon and Tree Dreams

images-207  Many times when I dream, I dream of the moon, and trees.  I have been focused on self, and making many positive improvements.  I promised myself to stay single for awhile.  Being heart broke around the holidays is not much fun.  But, I realized that with each new day, is a new beginning also.  Here is to new dreams, new beginnings, new chances.

My Art Therapy

My Art Therapy.

Walking With Jesus

Walking With Jesus.

First and Foremost

First and Foremost.

Yes I Can


Last November 22nd, 2013, was the day I heard Gods voice in my heart. The day I was to journal all my thoughts, and every bit of food I put in my mouth. I was on a strict high protein and green veggie diet, with no salt, no sugar, limited fruit, no pasta, bread, or rice. Good bye coffee creamer(my favorite)! No artificial anything either. I surrendered my all to God. We were on a journey together. He was molding my heart, into a new woman. Transforming my vessel. I was to walk everyday 3 miles to start, no matter what the weather. I enjoyed the brisk morning air on my face. Instead of saying I am a failure, I heard me saying, YES, I CAN! Thank you Jesus for my do overs. I still mess up, and you love me regardless! Thank you Jesus!



Learning From Our Pets


Better to stand in the mirror and look at yourself, than cast judgement on others. I looked at my pets, as they teach me a great deal about NOT casting judgement on others. They can care less about what they are, or what they look like, who I am, or what I look like. As long as we all love each other. Jacoby Dog doesn’t care if he lives with 2 cats. Just as the 2 cats can care less about Jacoby Dog being a dog. They love each other. They are the best of friends. It is a shame that many humans don’t share the traits as our pets. We can learn a lot from them.

M & M Peanut Popper, To Chia Seeds, Wonderful Changes

I forgot that my daughter sent me from Tempe, Arizona a bag of Chia Seeds. They have so many benefits. Where I don’t eat bananas because of their high carbs, I know that Chia Seeds have 100% more potassium than bananas. 200% more Iron than Spinach, 500% more Calcium than whole milk, 600% more Omega-3 than Salmon. Crazy huh? I have been doing much studying on the great and mighty Chia Seeds. I have been working with a Chef friend of mine, and coming up with new recipes that are benefical for diabetics, and people that are just trying to advoid a lot of junk, and wanting to eat more healthy.

I highly enjoy MRM Vanilla Whey Protein, Greek low-fat Yogurt, and 2 teaspoons of Chia Seeds, and 1/2 cup of bottled cold water. I put everything in my small countertop blender, and blend away for a few seconds, and enjoy. It keeps me full up until my mid morning snack, which sometimes I really have to force myself and eat my 1 cup of strawberries at 11:00 am. MRM Whey Protein has NO artifical anything in it. I tried all the Whey Protein Poweders, lined them up for a taste test, and MRM came out my pick out of Jay Robb, and NOW Protein Powders. A added benefit to my weight loss. I do my MRM Whey Protein in the morning. Followed by my creature of habit self eating 4-5 oz of chicken, or fish, and spinach. My snack is usually strawberries or a Quest Protein Bar. The more protein, and not eating after 6 pm, is the most benefical. I used to be that late night snacker. I was the one sitting in front of the TV, with a huge glass of Milk, and Oreos. Just one more I would say. One more led to 10, or more, or until 1 1/2 of the bag was gone. I was that way with chip, Peanut M & Ms, cookies, and cake. I wanted fat and sweets. I was classified as a emotional eater. Things didn’t go well on my job, guess what? I kept a varity of M & Ms in my desk in my office. All the nurses knew where to go if they were stressed out. “LYNNE HAS THE M & MS! I wasn’t doing them any favors either. I looked long and hard at my job. A job that I used to love more than anything! Patients that I loved to see everyday. But, things change. I was no longer a Recreational Director anymore, I was involved in 29 meetings a week, and doing every job under the sun.

I am thankful for God. For he tapped me on my shoulder February 4th, 2013, and said you did well here my faithful servant. But, it is time to go. It is time to work on you. God is never wrong. For he told me that take a step out in faith, and together we will be changing my vessel. And changes happened! My life is changing daily. Thanks to God above. Closing doors, and locking them tightly, before we enter the newly fresh doors that opens for us.

On My Jog This Morning


Two baby fawn~ My sign of peace.