Posts Tagged ‘Art’

I’m Back!

The valley is never dark. with God right by my side!

The valley is never dark. with God right by my side!

I am back!  I know it has been quite a long time. I was in a valley.  We all go through them many, many times of our life.  Mine was no different.  I had to peel off old skin, and put on the new that God has given me. He never left me.  He was always there, carrying me right through.  It might have felt like 10 foot waves, but it was okay. He was right there, carrying me right through.  I needed to let go, and let God take control of all my situations.  Even the dark ones.  As I sit back, and close my eyes, and smile.

A Work In Progress

images-201 Every now and then I take a peek back to how I once was.  I did work at a Healthcare Company that was all about the meetings.  I was involved in 27 of them a week.  I didn’t just do my job, but many others.  The events that I did made me “big headed”.  Corporate loved the publicity.  I turned into a robot.  I had no heart.  I was always trying to “Get One Over On Someone Else”, Judgemental, I did gossip, A back stabber, I had no heart.   In 2010, I lost my mother due to a stroke.  I also was going through a divorce.  My father had a heart attack at my mother’s funeral, to his death 9 months after my mother passed.  I was in relationships that I didn’t pray about.  That left me broken.  One night, I asked God to help me.  He answered me.  Always there, waiting for me.  Here I am today, a work in progress.  No longer working in a Corporate Health Care Company.  I am under construction every single day of my life.  My heart has changed.  Peace, Love, Joy.  A real work in progress helping other people, broken as I am.  May All of You Feel His Mighty Hands on Your Heart This Day~ AMEN

Let Go and Letting God


Winter for me is a time of reflection.  Thinking of the course of this year, I said goodbye to a friend of mine I lost November 2nd.  2014.  I realized I want to get closer to God now more than ever.  He has been doing remarkable things in my life.  He moved me to a new place that is peaceful, and in a beautiful area, with all my utilities included in my rent!  I have no credit card debt, and moving on to pay 1 more thing off.  I will be debt free in July.  I know it seems like a long way off, but God has my back.  I am listening more and more to him.  And, because of that, I believe he is blessing me beyond words.  I am reading my Bible more, listening to worship music, and I feel more and more at peace.  I am learning to let go, and let God take control of my life.  I am realizing more and more, I am not setting my sights on this world, but in my Heavenly home!  God Is Alive!

Moon and Tree Dreams

images-207  Many times when I dream, I dream of the moon, and trees.  I have been focused on self, and making many positive improvements.  I promised myself to stay single for awhile.  Being heart broke around the holidays is not much fun.  But, I realized that with each new day, is a new beginning also.  Here is to new dreams, new beginnings, new chances.

Happy Colors

images-214  Happy Colors~





My Colorful World

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Quiet Paint Time

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My Art Therapy


The eyes are the center of the soul. They hold emotion. They see and feel hurt, pain, joy, and question. Like music, eyes carry a tune. They can see past hurts, see the present, and also see the future and if it is God’s plan. They can see dreams. Vivid, and I believe even colorful dreams.

My Art Therapy


I was all wrapped up waiting to emerge. Saying goodbye to someone you love is always hard. I feel colorful, and free. Drawing and painting butterflies, is therapy for me. I feel peace, and beauty, and new endevors.